Parva operation during COVID-19 emergency

19th March 2020

COVID-19 is touching all of our lives. Our top priority in this unsettling time is your wellbeing, and doing what we can to mitigate the impact of the virus on our community.

From the first days of the COVID-19 emergency in Italy, we have activated extraordinary operating methods aimed at guaranteeing the continuity of our service for our customers, while respecting the civil responsibility and health of the Parva Team.

On 23rd February we announced to our employees in Milan the adoption of smart working solutions, with the primary objective of minimising health risks and playing an active part in the effort to contain the spread of the virus, while limiting the impact of our service level to our valued customers.Consequently, all Parva locations followed the procedure.

We implemented  Smart-Working from Tuesday 25th February, together with all preventative actions to contain the spread of the corona virus: from the cancellation of face-to-face meetings and encounters, to the circulation of information coming from official channels such as the Ministry of Health and the National Health Service.

Working hand in hand with our customers, we have  been able to activate Smart working mode for all our Teams: from the 9th March 100% of Parva employees are operating in Smart-Working mode while continuing to support our customers who, even in this difficult phase, provide their services.

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