DORA and contractual arrangements

Tight deadline, big challenges: DORA’s contractual requirements put pressure on financial entities and providers. Uncertainties and timelines raise industry concerns. Explore the key issues and emphasizes early action for a smooth DORA compliance journey.

DORA Regulatory Implementation

DORA Regulatory Implementation Technical Standards

The DORA regulation, in force since January 16, 2023, aims to encourage financial institutions to develop measures to achieve digital operational resilience. To achieve this goal, financial institutions must comply with the regulation by January 17, 2025. In our previous article, we explored the regulatory environment around DORA and its six pillars.

DORA – Strengthening the backbone of modern financial systems

DORA intends to impose higher transparency standards on investment firms, forcing them to provide more detailed and regular disclosures to regulatory agencies and investors.

Dora parva consulting services

DORA who? D.O.R.A. regulation.

Digital Operational Resilience Act DORA: gestione dei rischi, servizi TIC forniti da terze parti, monitoraggio incidenti, test di penetrazione basati su minacce

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